Ejderha Riders of Kislev

Oh, how nice! I finally managed to finish the second Kislev army! I must say it wasn't easy at all, especially for someone like me who isn't fond of painting horses! The extra mile in this army was trying to give a snow effect on the bases... and I must say it turned out really... Continue Reading →

Warmaster Kislev : Work in progess

Today's double post, as lately I've been succumbing to the allure of solitary painting and dedicating little time to contacts both on Discord and here, through my blog (a serious issue in both cases). Here we have progress on Kislev, Warmaster. Why not do the Empire? Mmmhh... mainly because within my gaming community, no one... Continue Reading →

In defense of Something Rotten in Kislev

How did I come to this, you might ask? Good question. Lately, as you may have noticed, I've been focusing a lot on Warmaster (Revolution), and after wrapping up the Vampire Counts project, I decided to delve into Kislev. All fairly straightforward up to this point... you start a project and then, as they say... Continue Reading →

A fist full of Jaws

In the shadowed depths of the Gorkamoka planet, amidst the raucous revelry of the Bad Moonz, Nazdreg awaits the arrival of Captain Badrukk's infamous Kill Kroozer, "Da Blacktoof." The anticipation crackles through the air as the freebooter vessel descends, but an eerie silence blankets the scene, swallowing the cheers of the Orks whole. For weeks,... Continue Reading →

Warmaster Open Day

Here are the photos from a great day spent immersed in Warmaster Revolution! Thanks to Michele's effort, who brought an extremely immersive scenario, we managed to deploy a whopping 6000 points of Vampire Counts against 6000 points of High Elves in an epic clash that saw over a hundred units on each side. The game... Continue Reading →

Army of Darkness – Warmaster edition

Guys! I'm alive! What an incredible January.. I've decided to immerse myself in Warmaster, a game that captivated me years ago, but unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to pursue because there wasn't a local gaming community. This time, there's a group in town of 5-6 very active people, and I didn't let the chance... Continue Reading →

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