Warmaster Kislev : Work in progess

Today’s double post, as lately I’ve been succumbing to the allure of solitary painting and dedicating little time to contacts both on Discord and here, through my blog (a serious issue in both cases). Here we have progress on Kislev, Warmaster. Why not do the Empire? Mmmhh… mainly because within my gaming community, no one had Kislev, so I felt obligated to do it for “completeness.” Additionally, I was very interested in changing subjects while still staying within the “human sphere.” For now, it’s coming along quite well, in my opinion. The palette I’ve chosen is the “Slavic” one: red, white, blue, yellow… the basic troop units, namely the axemen and archers, will be done as in this photo, predominantly blue in tone, while the Red Guards and Cossacks will be done (what imagination) in red. So far, I’m progressing quite smoothly, and I must say they make quite an impression. When everything is finished, I’ll proceed with the final act of adding snow to the bases to make them more interesting. I was thinking… perhaps I should do the same with the Undead? Both armies on snow?

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