Oldschool gaming day!

Yesterday was an epic gaming day in Bologna! With the guys from the old school 40k gaming group, we gathered to exchange greetings with a flurry of dice and strictly pre-2000 miniatures. Personally, I was only able to participate for half a day due to family commitments, and I decided to focus on the legendary... Continue Reading →

Tyranid Attack

"G-Great Emperor... it's not an asteroid! I repeat, it's not an asteroid! Full reverse on the engines! The Emperor is pro---" - final voice recording of the Relentless Guardian +++ The lights of the explosions, from this distance, looked like matches. On board the Proteus, Admiral Sejanous adjusted his collar, while on the command deck,... Continue Reading →

A tyranid biofleet made with seashells

Here I am, with the result of a week of vacation: A Tyranid biofleet for Battlefleet Gothic! Yes, you read that correctly, Battlefleet Gothic. It's a game that, when it came out, dazzled me, quite literally. I've always been passionate about naval battles (Did someone mention "Master & Commander"?), even though I've never delved into... Continue Reading →

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