Oldschool gaming day!

Yesterday was an epic gaming day in Bologna! With the guys from the old school 40k gaming group, we gathered to exchange greetings with a flurry of dice and strictly pre-2000 miniatures. Personally, I was only able to participate for half a day due to family commitments, and I decided to focus on the legendary Battlefleet Gothic, deploying once again 1500 points of Tyranids, the fearsome Marduk biofleet.

Once again, between the planet and my jaws, the Imperial Navy of Bertuz intervened, this time deploying nothing less than a Ramillies fortress. This behemoth, worth a whopping 850 points, literally disintegrated my flagship—a result I honestly did not consider possible, despite managing to navigate through the light cruiser and escort screen quite easily, without suffering catastrophic damage (except for an entire squadron of escort drones completely vaporized by an intentional plasma reactor detonation on a light cruiser). On the other tables, Enry faced off against a Chaos opponent, losing by just 1 victory point, while the Imperial Guard was crushed by an unstoppable wave of gaunts.

I had also brought Advanced Space Crusade and the Tyranids in the case to play, but the BFG match took up too much time, and I didn’t manage to use anything other than the fleet… still, a great day. I’m leaving you with some hastily taken photos of the battlefields

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