Summer HELLISHdays

Ohhh, finally holidays. “Finally”… if you can call it that. As some of you know, I’m not exactly a travel enthusiast. My ideal vacation would be two weeks dedicated to my hobbies, but I understand that this might vaguely conflict with my wife’s family plans. All in all, I can’t complain: a week in Egypt will allow me to get bored, and usually, when I get bored, I come up with my best ideas (does anyone remember the BFG fleet made with shells? Go check it out!). The summer period has always been the “official vacation” time for this blog. I don’t paint because, honestly, I don’t feel like it in this heat. Oh, it’s not a strict rule, of course… but let’s say that usually, as you may have noticed, I am very productive in the cold months and less so in the summer months.

That said, if I had to take stock of 2024, I can consider myself very satisfied: I managed to create two new armies for a game I have always loved, Warmaster, which is no small feat! I also managed to get my hands on some really, really, really rare models (go take a look at the Blood Bowl lizardmen team). In terms of gaming, my time has been dedicated 50% to Blood Bowl, 30% to Warmaster, and 10% to the second edition of 40k. Yes, I know, Blood Bowl is not exactly the central focus I would like this blog to revolve around, but as you may have noticed, I have remained faithful to my principles: no model that doesn’t have a story behind it and/or isn’t connected to the “history” of GW.

That said, I would like to start an important September: surely, once the Blood Bowl European experience in Greece is over, I would like to touch on Epic. I’ve said it many times, I’ve gotten close to it and been pushed away many times… but how can I not do it? I mean… Epic, guys… I feel guilty for not having started it ages ago. I would also like to pick up role-playing again… but this seems really, really tough. I had a half-idea of getting back to mastering one of the only three titles I consider worthy of being mastered, namely Call of Cthulhu, WFRP, and Cyberpunk, but the problem is, as always, time. If I start role-playing, it means that my single evening is dedicated to that and I would lose a lot in other aspects of the game.

The third point I would like to touch on is Warhammer Fantasy. Although I have approached Old World, after buying the bases to convert them to the “new scale” (may Sigmar forgive me), I almost immediately lost the desire to play it. I can’t really say why. Maybe a too technical rulebook, without that “RPG breath” that the second edition gives me… I really don’t know. Both armies are ready… I should find some motivation. Who knows, maybe a game with my brother or with a completely inexperienced friend could give me that spark to generate something interesting.

Last but not least, BFG: I feel guilty having only one fleet, but I can’t convince myself on the second one. The Imperial Navy would be mandatory, but even here, I don’t feel particularly stimulated… There are many projects, plenty of gaming groups, and I just have to choose the direction of my ship. In terms of events, in 2025 I would finally like to visit Marcel in Germany, return to the UK, and definitely participate again in the Europen with the Evolution team. This post, like most of the ones I write, is mainly written for myself, but feel free to write your “good resolutions” in the comments, I am always interested in reading them!

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